生命之弦(Strings of Life)基督教事工中心
本事工 ‘六度’ 事工的信念:幫助教會復興六大元素
1. 敬拜:深度和不限止的讚美敬拜 – 讚美與降服 (強化認信)
2. 禱告:從個人到普世的禱告生活 – 經歷與改變 (強化內在)
3. 關係:由神到人與人關係的建立 – 同在與團契 (強化外在)
4. 聖言:領受、明白與應用神話語 – 教導與生命 (強化生命)
5. 領袖:恩賜、方法和教導來牧養 – 教會與牧養 (強化教會)
6. 佈道:從傳福音到宣教完成使命 – 使命與增長 (強化神國)
--定期出版書籍 (類別:研經、靈修導讀、聖經註釋書、門徒訓練課程、英文翻譯的屬靈書籍) 和刊物 (中心季刊、華人報章 [將來的考慮計劃之中] 等等)
--定期出版以 ‘聖經信息傳遞和默想’ + ‘創作和現代翻譯’ 歌曲CD﹐而每一隻CD都會有一個特定的主題﹐第一隻CD主題為:十架的基督
(Leeds Chinese Gospel Church)
生命之弦事工在列斯(Leeds)服侍的過程中,神 讓我們看見有不少從事餐飲業的居民因工作時間關係,無法參予當地教會的下午崇拜。 故此,生命之弦事工在列斯開始舉行週日上午崇拜,在兩年後2010年,設立列斯華人福音堂。
Strings of Life Christian Ministry
Our ministry serves the Chinese diaspora in the United Kingdom and further afield. Through training, Bible teaching, publishing, worship and the hosting of various retreats, we assist in the development of local churches and help believers to use their talents for God, so that they can lead spiritual lives and be equipped as Christians as well as serve their churches.
Leeds Chinese Gospel Church
While serving in Leeds, God allowed to see that many people who worked during Sunday afternoons were unable to attend Sunday afternoon services. Therefore, we started a Sunday morning service and in 2010, Leeds Chinese Gospel Church was founded.
生命之弦 -列斯華人福音堂 簡介
生命之弦 -列斯華人福音堂 4 週年堂慶
我們 - 生命之弦 Strings of Life - 是一個英國註冊的慈善團體,我們的服務對象主要為香港移民,青年留學生和華僑。
在我們當中,有現正或曾經於 Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College, University of Leeds, Leeds Beckett University, University of Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University, University of Huddersfield, University of York 和 University of Cambridge 的留學生。我們的職青在醫學,飲食,會計及商業等界別工作。
我們都是過來人,深明離鄉別井的感受。無論你有信仰與否, 我們都很樂意認識你, 作你的同路人。
我們於每週亦設有青年家庭組、職青、學生團契及主曰崇拜,無論你有信仰與否,都歡迎你參與。詳程請電郵至 stringsoflifelcgc@gmail.com。
We are a Christian ministry and registered charity that serve Hong Kong People, Chinese students and residents in Leeds and other areas.
We have current and former students from Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College, University of Leeds, Leeds Beckett University, University of Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University, University of Huddersfield, University of York and University of Cambridge. Our young professionals are employed in a variety of professions, such as medical, hospitality, accountancy and business.
We know the problems of moving away from home to another country and we welcome all comers, regardless of whether you are religious or not.
Contact us at stringsoflifelcgc@gmail.com or alternatively, find us on Facebook!