生命之弦事工 - 信仰
1 信聖經是神所默示的、全無錯誤、全然可靠,是信徒信仰生活及行為最高權威。
2 信聖父、聖子、聖靈為三位一體獨一真神。
3 信人類始祖犯罪墮落後,罪就臨到世人,使全人類都伏在神的忿怒和定罪之下﹐不能自救。
4 信惟有藉著道成肉身之聖子耶穌基督,代替我們受死,捨命為贖罪祭,救贖我們脫離罪過,刑罰及罪的權勢和敗壞。
5 信耶穌基督死後三天從死裏復活、信徒因此有復活的盼望。
6 信救恩乃神白白賜與凡接受耶穌基督為救主,認罪悔改,由聖靈重生而進入神國者。
7 信聖靈是居住在信徒裏面﹐啟迪感化眾人,並且是安慰、幫助和教導信徒之保惠師。
8 信信徒的盼望是主耶穌基督親自再來。
Strings of Life Christian Ministry – Beliefs
1 We believe that the Holy Bible was inspired by God and is the highest authority for believers’ lives.
2 We believe that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are united in the Godhead.
3 We believe that after the fall of man, humanity is subject to God's wrath and condemnation due to the sinfulness and guilt of human nature.
4 We believe that redemption from sin can only be obtained through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ.
5 We believe that Jesus rose from death after three days, and hence believers have the hope of resurrection.
6 We believe that grace was given by God unconditionally and that whoever accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, and repents from sin, will enter the kingdom of God through the Holy Spirit.
7 We believe that the Holy Spirit lives inside believers and compels, comforts, assists and teaches believers.
8 We believe that the believers’ hope is based on Jesus Christ’s personal return.